Electronic Dance Music Reviews From The Early 90’s To The Present

Posted: August 1, 2012 in Dance Music, Electronic Music
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Update August 2013 – Electronica Restoration is now 1 year old! Thanks to everyone who has read my posts and is following me, I’m going to try even harder over the next year to dig out some real gems and hard to find EDM.

I was hunting through my garage for something and I come across a lost box of some of my best old house and dance CD’s tucked away under some junk, a box I’d been looking for on and off for a few years! I opened the box and discovered some CD’s were mint, some were damaged, some were missing discs but some of them were missing altogether and after I spent a rainy Sunday afternoon flicking through these tracks I just knew I had to restore my old collection.

In the search for my old stuff on the internet I’ve come across loads of CD’s that for whatever reason I missed on release, so this blog is now becoming like a ‘history of CD dance music’. I’m buying up the old stuff faster than I’m reviewing it as well as the new releases.

So I welcome you to Electronica Restoration, if you’re pining for the old days, or you’re new to EDM and want to know what you’ve been missing all these years you’re in the right place, enjoy!


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