Hallucinogen: Twisted – Drangonfly Records – 1995

Posted: August 5, 2012 in Electronic Music
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Usually I say don’t judge a CD by its cover, but this time judge this CD by its cover, never has there been a more fitting graphic illustration that perfectly reflects the contents sound so well. This is electronic psychedelia at it’s best, still a little heavy for me but overall this is a good CD, the opening track is possibly the best along with the last track Solstice, oh and look out for the hidden track after a minute or so silence after the last track.

I remember picking this up and putting it back, a bit pricey at £14 for 8 tracks but they are all fairly long around 6 to 10 minutes long. Then I figured what the hell, there’s nothing else worth buying so I got it, a blind purchase that worked out well and as the inlay card says “Bom Shaker!”
1. L.S.D.
2. Orphic Thrench
3. Alpha Centauri
4. Dark Magus
5. Shamanix
6. Snarling Black Mabel
7. Fluro Neuro Sponge
8. Soltice

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